Saturday, January 23, 2010

Wyatt's Birthday!

Last week was Wyatt's birthday. I got too excited and forgot to take pictures BEFORE everything was opened and eaten...but here are some post party pictures...

Wyatt holding and wearing some of his presents.

I decorate the apartment so that when he came home from school it was time to party!

I got him a mint chocolate ice cream cake...his favorite.
The cake was so pretty before we dug it is partially eaten and melted...still looks yummy to me.

Sherlock Holmes

In Wyatt's stocking he got two tickets to Sherlock Holmes...

So he decided to take me!!! Wyatt says that Robert Downy Jr. is the man.

We mutually agree that the movie was GREAT! We will definitely be seeing that movie again! I would recommend this movie to all.

This One is for Sierra...

This one is for my sister Sierra. On our drive back from California on Thanksgiving we drove past this street. I just couldn't resist...

This one's for you Sis!


For Thanksgiving we decided that we were going to California. We stayed with Wyatt's brother in Northern California and then went to San Francisco while we were there.

In San Francisco we went to Pier 39. They had a huge Christmas tree set up. We took a picture in front of it. To me this looks like it could be on a Christmas card... except for that little boy in front. I guess he just liked to look at us.

Wyatt's camera does this really cool trick where you can take half of the picture at a time. So first Wyatt took a picture of me, and then I took a picture of him so it looks like we are in the same picture.
(There is our little friend as well, he looks like he belongs with us! or he just really wanted his picture taken...)

At the Pier

Here is us standing in front on Alcatraz. There were no more tours available that day so we didn't get to go out there.

What a stud

At the pier there was this maze of mirrors....It was the coolest part of the day! We spent quite a bit of time playing in there, trying not to get lost.

We had such a great trip. Thanks Trevor and Mandy for letting us stay with you!

Family Pictures

Here are a few pictures of my family. We took these in August. We are growing so fast!

The Girls

The Boys

The Parents...It's all because of them...

Fall Update...Bon Fire Book Burning

So I started this blog thinking that it would be no problem in keeping it updated. I do have a list of things that I have in mind to write about, but then I come home from work and I just have no desire to get back onto the computer. But I think it is finally time to catch up on everything that has happened since...well...Halloween...ya...

So after we finally went through all of our crap and organized our home, we ended up with a huge box of papers that we didn't just want to throw away and a few books that we would never be able to sell and we never wanted to look at again (yes, old school books). What are we going to do with all of this? We decided that we were going to have a Bon Fire!!! So we got some hotdogs and marshmallows and headed up the canyon.

Look at all that yummy food...just for two

Look at that handsome piro...He didn't stop playing with the fire even to eat!